TLOxp TransUnion provides the largest, most powerful online database of public and proprietary records available.  Information about people, businesses, assets, and locations are some of the most sought after records.  This site is utilized by global business professionals. Cutting-edge supercomputing, with constantly updated data, ensures the most accurate phone numbers, SSN’s, and locations.

Lane Investigations has resources to trillions of public records

Why Have Background Checks?

 In today's society of identity theft, fraud, and deception, companies and individuals need to protect themselves. A background check can be a fast, affordable, and useful way to prevent time consuming future disasters.  Business and personal choices can now have concrete evidence before making final decisions. In most cases, we have a 24 hour turn around on background reports.


Business Partners
Family Members
Former Classmates
Household Workers
Old/New Friends 
Online Buyers & Sellers
Potential Dates & Dating Sites
Parents Of Your Children’s Friends
Sex Offenders
Social Media Friends
Study Partners
Vacation Buddies

People Reports
  • Names, aliases, and SSNs
  • Bankruptcies, foreclosures, liens, judgments, and criminal history
  • Current and historical addresses
  • Phone numbers including listed and unlisted landlines, cell phones, and utilities data
  • Relatives, neighbors and associates
  • Assets including property, vehicles, and more
  • Licenses including professional, driver’s, and more
  • Email addresses and social networks
  • Our people searches are designed to get you the exact information, even in cases where you only have partial source data, such as an incomplete SSN or address. It is also possible to search for your subject using a phonetic name spelling, location radius, or age range. Our exclusive Expert Search offers the expanded ability to not only conduct a linear search of an individual but to also find the connection points between two or more individuals. TLOxp is the only system on the market that is able to provide that functionality.
Business Reports
  • Current and previous employees, officers, and directors
  • Assets
  • Bankruptcies, liens, and judgments
  • UCC filings
  • Current and historical phones, addresses, and DBAs
  • Branches, subsidiaries, parent companies, and headquarters

Don't date anyone or go into business with anyone without knowing everything you can about the person.

It's worth the security and peace of mind to know who you are dealing with.

Contact us now!