He holds black belts in Chuck Norris Karate,

Jui-Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do,

and is a Level #7 in UFAF Krav Maga under founder Chuck Norris.

Danny Lane is one of the most sought after Instructors in the World.
Now YOU can learn his Dynamic and Unique integration of Martial Arts,
Police Tactics, Military Tactics, Body Guarding and Personal Protection.

You will LEARN the "best of the best" techniques
he have used in combat situations as a Marine and a Cop.
He has 56 years experience in the
Military, Law Enforcement & Martial Arts.

He will teach you a reality based combative system
that will prepare you to survive any situation.

Real techniques, for Real People, in Real Life Situations!

Techniques that are FAST to learn,

EASY to comprehend & EFFECTIVE.

Anyone regardless of age, sex
and physical condition can learn these life-saving skills.

You owe it to yourself and your family to protect them!




VOLUME #1: The Fundamentals - White-Yellow Belt Program -
Minimum TIG (Time in Grade)
1 month and or 20 hours training based on 5 hours per week.
Student is to keep a training journal of training hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

1. Warrior Stance
2. Distances of Combat Engagement
3. 8 Angles of Attack and Defense
4. Footwork: The Key to Fighting
5. Vital and Vulnerable Targets of the Body
6. Zone Blocking
7. Soft and Hard Blocks
Testing Fee: $75.00 for review of the members online video submission.

VOLUME #2 Weapons - Yellow-Purple Belt Program -
Minimum TIG (Time in Grade)
2 months and or 40 hours training based on 5 hours per week training.
Student to keep a training journal of hours.
 $75 for review of their online video submission.

Learn these invaluable skills.

1. Palm Heel
2. Back Fist
3. Knife Hand Strikes
4. Web Hand
5. Hammer fist
6. Claw Hand
7. Ridge hand
8. Eye Gouge
9. Snap Front Kick
10. Cut Kick
11. Side Kick
12. Back Kick
13. Stomping Kick
14. Elbow Strikes
15. Knee Attacks


Trainee will receive a Level #1 Certification for Purple Belt.



VOLUME #3 - 2 Second Defense - Purple - Orange Belt Program
Minimum TIG (Time in Grade)
3 months and 60 hours
training based on 5 hours per week training.  
Student to keep a training journal of hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

1. PALM HEEL to chin.
2. PALM HEEL to jaw with choke.
3. PALM HEEL to nose.
4. BULL DOG neck twist take down.
5. DEFEND HOOKING PUNCH with counters.
6. DEFEND KNIFE SLASH with application.
7. KNIFE CHOP-REVERSE CHOP with applications.
8. 2 SECOND DEFENSE throat, ears, eyes and groin attack.
9. BEAR HUG TO FRONT arms outside.
10. BEAR HUG TO REAR with applications.
11. BEAR HUG TO FRONT arms trapped.
13. TWO HAND GRAB TO NECK from behind.
14. BEAR HUG TO REAR with arms trapped.
15. CLOTHES GRAB with applications.
$75 for review of their online video submission.


VOLUME #4 - Close Quarter Combat -
Orange - Blue Belt Program
Minimum TIG (Time in Grade)
3 months and 60 hours training based on 5 hours per week training.
student to keep a training journal of hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

#1- Outward Wrist Throw and Lock
#2- Inside Wrist Lock and Shoulder Lock
#3- Upward Wrist Lock
#4- Downward Wrist Lock
#5- Quick Review of 4 Wrist Locks
#6- Windmill Block with 3 Count Counter
#7- Defense against Hair Grabs
#8- Defense against Side Head Lock
#9- Front Choke Guillotine
#10- Chokes Rear Naked - Standing Arm Bar- Sleeper
#11- Against Full Nelson
#12- Side Blade Kick - Chop - Ridge Hand - Downward Elbow
#13- Evade - Kick Groin - Double Elbow - Step Behind- Stomp Kick
#14- Cross Elbow - Spin Elbow Kidneys - Chop Neck - Stomp Kick
#15- Standing Triangle Submission
#16- Rapid Fire Hand Attack 3 Count
#17- Rapid Fire 8 Count Open Hand Drill
#18- Two Hand Grab from behind - Double Leg Takedown
#19 -Judo Back Fall
#20 -Judo Side Fall
#21- Judo Forward Roll
#22- Judo - Outside Major Sweep
#23 - Judo - Outside Minor Sweep
# 24- Defend Against the Shoot Take Down
# 25- Defense against a Street Puncher
 $75 for review of their online video submission.


Upon completion of both Volumes #3 and #4 the trainee
will receive a Level #2 Certification for Blue Belt.



VOLUME #5 Surviving on the Ground - Blue - Green Belt Program

Minimum TIG (Time in Grade) 3 months and 60 hours
training based on 5 hours per week training.
Student to keep a training journal of hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

#1- Posturing & Positioning – Avoid becoming a Victim
#2 -Blocking a Surprise attack
#3 -Attacking from the Mount Position
#4- Surviving on the Ground- Person on Top
#5 - Passing the Guard on Ground
#6 -Judo Hip Throw
#7- Hip Throw when attacked from Behind
#8 -Shoulder Throw
#9- Neck Throw - Body Drop Throw
#10- Cartwheel Throw
#11- Judo Back Fall
#12- Judo Side Fall
#13- Judo Forward Roll
#14- Judo - Outside Major Sweep
#15- Judo - Outside Minor Sweep 
$75 for review of their online video submission.

Most fights end up on the ground 90 percent of the time.
It is critical that everyone learn the basics of ground survival.

In this volume you will learn how to;

to the ground and CONTROL the fight.


 VOLUME #6 Surviving a Street Fighter - Boxing & Kickboxing -
Green - Brown Belt Program
Minimum TIG (Time in Grade) 3 months and 60 hours
training based on 5 hours per week training.
Student to keep a training journal of hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

 #1- Danny Lane on Kick Boxing & Street Fighting
# 2- Boxing Jab - Speed & Power
# 3 - Boxing Cross Punch
# 4 - Left Hook
# 5 - Jab - Cross - Hook Combination with Pads
# 6 - Upper Cuts
# 7 - 6 count combination on pads
# 8 - Overhand Right- 4 Count Knockout Drill
# 9 - Spinning Back-Fist
# 10 - Spinning Back- Fist with Pad
# 11 - Blocking a power kick with counter
# 12 - Round Kick - Cut Kick - Round Knee
# 13 - Defending the Leg Cut Kick
# 14 - Defending a Rear Leg Kick
# 15 - Maximizing Power & Cutting the Angle
# 16 - Blocking & Trapping a Side Kick
# 17 - Switch Step Front Kick with Combo
# 18 - Defending the Clinch with Leg Sweep
# 19- Inside Cut Kick – with Combos
# 20 - Training at Home with Equipment
# 21- Ground & Pound with Training Bag
# 22- Rapid Fire Combinations Street Combat
 $75 for review of their online video submission.



VOLUME #7 Surviving a Knife Attack - Brown - Red Belt Program

Minimum TIG (Time in Grade) 3 months and 60 hours
training based on 5 hours per week training.
Student to keep a training journal of hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

#1 - Danny Lane on Knife Defense Combat
#2 -Knife Fighting Stance
#3- Offensive Knife Fighting - 9 Points of Knife Cuts
#4 -Offensive Knife - Speed Drills
#5- Zone Blocking the 8 Attack Angles
#6 - Zone Blocking a Slash Attack
#7- Blocking the Reverse Slash
#8 - Blocking Drills
#9- Danny Lane on a Real Combat Situation with Knife
# 10- Defense from Straight Stab to Stomach
# 11- Knife Defense - Knife to Neck from Behind
# 12- Knife to Back Option #1
# 13 Knife to Back - Option 2 - Body Drop Throw
# 14 - Knife to Throat Front #1
# 15 - Knife to Throat - Reverse Grip
# 16- Knife Stab to Lower Gut
# 17- Downward Attack to Head
# 18- Return to Sender from Overhead Stab
# 19 - Knife to Throat on Ground- Person on Chest
 $75 for review of their online video submission.

 VOLUME #8 Surviving a Gun Attack  -
Red - Black Belt Program
Minimum TIG (Time in Grade) 3 months and 60 hours
training based on 5 hours per week training.
Student to keep a training journal of hours.

Learn these invaluable skills.

1. 12 Body Points of Disarms
2. Disarm to Head
3. Disarm to Chest
4. Disarm to Lower Stomach
5. Handgun to Neck or Head by Mugger
6. Gun Disarm to Side of Head
7. Gun Disarm to Back Option #1
8. Gun Disarm to Back Option #2
9. Rifle to Front
10. Hand Gun Retention
 $75 for review of your online video submission.

Note: Once you pass all 4 Levels of Training
you will be ready to test for your

LEVEL #5 Black Belt & Instructor Certification:


Order all 8 Volumes NOW for only $199.95.
get my 120 Page Training Manual FREE!

A savings of $170.00 if bought separately.

(digital downloads only)