
Train with former Federal CIA Agent Jason Hanson and decorated Marine, Cop & Bodyguard, Danny Lane.


Learn how to SURVIVE in the world of ESPIONAGE & COMBAT with these former government operatives.

Now YOU can learn the same techniques taught to Federal Agents and our Military.

Spy Combat Tactics!

Real techniques, for Real People, in Real Life Situations!

Spy Combat Tactics are based on scientific principles of attacks

against the neurological, circulatory, respiratory and energy pressure points of the human body.

Anyone regardless of age, sex and shape can learn this life saving skills.

Techniques applied to the soft targets of the human body can

neutralize and incapacitate an attacker in seconds.

Learn how survive being kidnapped, duct taped, handcuffed,

tied up with zip ties & rope, car jacking, home invasions,

internet security, travel warning and more.

You owe your family the security

and safety of protecting them.



Danny Lane is a Marine/Cop/Bodyguard/Security Expert & Martial Arts Master with 54 years experience.

He is a 10th Degree Black Belt and has Black Belts in 6 other styles.

He is also a Master Instructor in the Chuck Norris System

and has trained with Chuck Norris for 37 years.  

Danny has survived "real combat"  situations hundreds

of times in the jungles of Vietnam as a Combat Marine

and on the streets of America as Police Officer and Bodyguard.

He was awarded 2 Purple Hearts and numerous other medals

for his military service in Vietnam and the Mayor's Medal of Bravery as a Police Officer.

He has been inducted 15 times into various Hall of Fames for his martial arts accomplishments.

Jason Hanson, is a veteran law enforcement officer and former CIA Agent.

He has worked in terrorism and espionage assignments all over the world.

These men know what it takes to stay ALIVE! 

Sign up at Jason's website at Spy Evasion and Escape

for regular security and survival handouts.


Contact us for more information on the release of the series,

Spy Camps, Seminars and Instructor Certifications.